MUR502-1 23H Masteroppgave

Hi, and welcome to the spring semester 2024

This room is designated for the course MUR502 Master’s thesis, and during the next semester, we will meet each other for seven sessions.

Course responsible is Per Elias Drabløs (, and you can find the course description here: (Lenker til en ekstern side.)

MUR 502 can be considered as a student driven thesis workshop, where the students prepare submissions for the other students – addressing research subjects, methods and questions – all overseen by Drabløs together with professor Michael Rauhut.


Dato Detaljer Forfall
Åpent område Dette emneinnholdet tilbys med en Åpent område lisens. Innholdet i dette emnet må anses å være underlagt denne lisensen såfremt ikke annet er anført.